Thursday, April 12, 2012

April 9, 2012 Easter Weekend

Dear Family,
What a wonderful Easter weekend! Yes Mom, I have been able to watch the Bible videos and I love them so much. They make the Atonement feel so real. Some excellent talks were given in church yesterday (one of which I'll tell you about in a bit), and it's been great to feel of the spirit and remember the Atonement and resurrection of the Savior lately. I got to teach Sis. Mitchell's primary class again yesterday, and we talked about the resurrection. I'm sure you've seen the glove analogy where your hand is the spirit and the glove is your body. The kids sure loved that one. They all think I'm the funniest person on earth, so life is good :)
Thanks for the Easter package! Elder Ivie and I were dancing around like children on Christmas when we both got our packages. Starburst jellybeans? DELISH. Thank you thank you thank you! And your cookies are amazing Mom! That's some serious talent right there. I traded candy with Elder Ivie, but I didn't share the cookies haha.
So I'm sure April will tell you all about this in her email, but I have an amazing experience to share with y'all. It's actually quite a miracle. I'm dying to hear what April has to say about this, but I'll tell you my end of the story anyways. Buckle your seatbelts ladies and gentlemen :)
I knew that the Kansas City temple open house was coming up soon. April had mentioned it a few times in her letters to me, and I was so jealous that I couldn't attend myself. Soon enough, I heard that a few people from our ward were going to be there and go through the visitors center as well. But I didn't really think much of it. Sis. Walker said she was going, and so I told her to look for Sister Atkin and say hi for me. Not going to lie, I kinda forgot about it all.
Sunday morning comes around, and we go to the church at 8:00 for MCM with the ward council. We're waiting for the bishop to show up, and we're just chatting with Bro. Kennedy. Bro. Kennedy tells me that his daughter Nichole went to the open house and met Sister Atkin! It was really exciting and I asked him a few questions, but soon our meeting started and I quickly forgot. I still hadn't made all the connections.
I'm in sacrament meeting now with Elder Ivie. The Elm Creek ward has put together an excellent program, and the chapel is more full than usual. What a wonderful Easter Sunday! We sing a few hymns, we partake of the sacrament, and the first speaker gets up. It's the Bettridge's daughter, Carolyn. She tells us that she has been asked to talk on her experience with the young women at the Kansas City temple open house. I still didn't get it. She relates her wonderful experience of going to Liberty Jail and other church sites, and eventually their tour of the visitors center. I sat up a little bit. Out of nowhere she mentions that they were able to meet Elder Atkin's sister and receive the tour from her. Through a series of miraculous events, they went to the visitors center right at the perfect time to have April give them the tour! The girls absolutely loved it and they all connected well with Sis. Atkin. Sis. Walker was able to give April a hug for me, and they all took pictures afterward. You can only imagine my emotions. I couldn't hold back the tears as I had a little moment in the corner of the chapel. I had no idea! Carolyn then got a little emotional as she explained that Sis. Atkin's influence made her think about going on a mission. She had never thought of it before, but because of April's testimony and example, she is seriously considering it. She then explained that Saturday was also Sister Atkin's birthday. I was basically swimming in tears.
After sacrament meeting, I talked to Bro. Braisted who was there with the young women. We both shed more tears as he shared his experience and the feelings he felt as Sister Atkin gave them the tour and shared her testimony. I just couldn't believe it! What are the chances!!! We both expressed to each other how we knew that the Lord's hand was in the whole thing. So many things could've happened that would've prevented them from meeting April. I knew right there and then that I had witnessed a miracle. I thanked everyone I could (who was there) for actually being there and being part of this experience. It means everything to me. In a way that I couldn't see coming, the Lord showed me that he loves me. I simply cannot type the words to express my feelings right now! I know that April and I are where we are supposed to be. I feel closer to her, and each of you, than since the beginning of my mission.
I'm excited to tell you more about this miracle when we talk to each other over the phone next month. I'm even getting choked up in the library! How embarrassing! All I can say is that I know God is mindful of us and that he cares. This experience was an answer to prayers for me in many ways. I try to always be happy, but sometimes it's SO hard. The work is tough and sometimes I feel alone. Elder Ivie's family is having issues back home, so he hasn't been 100%. I feel such a load sometimes that I just can't bear. Sometimes I have zero desire to work because of stress and anxiety. But I know without a doubt that God is there and that he loves me. That's all that matters!
I'm about out of time, but I hope you know that I love each one of you so much. April, I hope you find comfort in the fact that you touched many lives on Saturday. Your influence is worth more than most things that may seem important to these girls. God lives! His son, Jesus Christ lives! They love us immensely. I am a personal witness of their love and desire for us to be happy and successful. The gospel is true.
Have a great week! Sorry if this letter was crazy or confusing...
Love, Elder Atkin
P.S. I love the pictures! I miss y'all so much.
(editors note: If you would like to read April's letter to get her side of the story go to

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE this Elder! and what an incredible experience for April and Willie to share. I send Richie his emails every so often to keep him updated with his HS friends. I get his, Jordan, Branden and Zeke's . I think all of Richie's emails are still going to Willie's email address. All of these young men are such tremendous missionaries. I just love them to death and can't wait to see them all return and share experiences.
