Monday, July 1, 2013

M'dear ones...

Dear Family,
In the midst of all this "going home" hoopla, there's at least one thing that I can grasp on to: there's good to come in the future. Some days I'm depressed. Some days I couldn't be more excited. Other days I could care less about anything. But I know for sure that there are more positive experiences coming my way. This mission isn't over! This isn't the end! Maybe I'm saying all of this because today is one of those depressed days and I'm in denial, but I really think that this is all just a so-called "kick-start" to my life. I'm imperfect. I still let myself get angry at stupid things. I still have big-time questions that I'm seeking answers to. Don't expect Mr. RM to come off the plane in flying colors as a future general authority. But I've got my head on straight (for the most part). I know what's important and I care about it. Here's what I care about:
God knows me and loves me. Despite my weaknesses, I've had very personal experiences where this very fact has been etched into my heart forever. He doesn't always answer my prayers the way I want Him to, but I know He's guided me as long as I've asked for it. I testify that you and I belong to the true and living church led by the true and living Christ. His atonement is real and it completely covers everything that could possibly go wrong. Time and time again I have felt his grace - which I don't deserve. I also know that the Restoration of the Gospel happened and that everything that has come from it - the Book of Mormon, the priesthood, etc. - are true. We're not lost, my friends! Heavenly Father has given us enough to be okay.
How grateful I am for the ordinances and covenants that not only help us in this life, but prepare us for Eternal life - of which I am BEYOND excited for. There are even greater family reunions to be had than the one that will take place in a few days. But don't worry I'm excited for that one too :) Just know that you (yeah, you) have been a special helper of the Lord in shaping this young elder's life. I look up to you more than you know. When I'm with my family, I am in the midst of giants. I'll try to not let it overwhelm me too much... You're just a little intimidating, okay?!?!
Well, I hope I've made my point clear. I get a little intense with this sort of stuff. Ain't it great? You know... this life? I have no idea what the future holds for me, but I'm just pumped for life. Yay for living on this earth!!
Keep it real, Atkins diet (way too many people call me that)
Love, Elder Atkin