Monday, November 19, 2012

November 19, 2012 - A letter to my family!

Dear Family,

Today is a good day! Besides the fact that Elder Nordine is sick as a dog, it's been a fun preparation day so far. Our district just got done hiking a couple of hours ago. Hiking is nowhere near as awesome here as it is in Utah and such, but there are a few cool places out here in the hills of the Ozarks. Today we packed up some lunches and hiked the trail to (excuse me for this title, but I wasn't the one to make it up) "Mother Nature's Butt Crack." Overlooking a river just south of Joplin is a series of cliffs with a trail running along the edge. It's about a 50 foot drop, but nothing too scary. After about a mile of hiking is a crack that dives right into the cliff that people can climb down to the bottom of the cliffs through. It's pretty cool! Elder Nordine stayed at the Joplin 2nd elders' apartment with Elder Holmes during all of this. Poor guy :( He got some kind of food poisoning last night and has been puking non-stop ever since. I actually had a horrible night trying to sleep because of how loud his ralphing was. Ugh! But I have no room to complain. At least I'm not sick.

Mom, that's pretty cool that you got to teach the 10 and 11 year-old age group about Moroni. I might've already mentioned this to y'all before, but Moroni is one of my favorite Book of Mormon characters. Well, I have a lot of favorite Book of Mormon characters, but Moroni really does have a special place in my heart. One of the most heart-wrenching scriptures is found in the book of Mormon (within the Book of Mormon haha), in which Moroni writes about his father's death. If I remember correctly, Moroni mentions 3 or 4 times that he doesn't know what he's going to do or where he's going go, but "it mattereth not." He sounds so sad! Imagine being in his place, being hunted by Lamanites, being absolutely alone, and yet writing some of his father's words and including his own powerful testimony. Despite such dreary circumstances, Moroni was able to teach us some priceless doctrines, including some of his final words on how one could come to know that the Book of Mormon is true. What a man!

I've discovered that quite often I am very hard on myself as a missionary. I look at some of my weaknesses and the problems in our area and such and I let them really get me down. I know it's the adversary, but I still let it happen. I think it's because I want (and have wanted for the past 16 months) my mission to change me. Pre-mission Elder Atkin didn't know much about missionary life, but I at least knew that this type of experience could really direct my life for the better. I get so frustrated when I feel like I'm not learning or progressing. It makes me sick! But lately as I've read the Book of Mormon again, it's really brought comfort to me. Reading the stories of Alma and the sons of Mosiah make my problems seem very small. Heck, Moroni makes me look like a wimp. It feels good to be able to say that at least I know that the Book of Mormon has become a huge part of my life. I just feel so good whenever I read it. Honestly, I don't know if I could have said that before my mission. It's funny - I know that the Book of Mormon brings me comfort, but I still struggle to help other people feel those same feelings. I'm working on it :) By the way Dad, those scriptures you sent me this past week in Moroni 8,9, and 10 were just what I needed. How did you know?? Gosh, my parents must be in-tune with the Spirit or somethin'...

Speaking of the Spirit: Elder Nordine and I have been working on relying on the Holy Ghost more in our missionary work lately. We were really inspired in our latest ZLC and in a recent dinner appointment with our new ward mission leader to do this. We both agree that we've learned that the Lord really can lead us to his children through the Spirit, if we just listen. You know those stories you always hear about missionaries being led to a door where somebody just got done praying and they want to be baptized? Well, I certainly have always lacked the faith for those sort of things to happen. But with these recent meetings we've had, I've felt something stir within me (okay that sounded cheesy). The question came to my mind, "Why not, Elder Atkin?" I realized that Heavenly Father isn't trying to make it hard for us to find the prepared ones. It's not some kind of game. Don't you think he wants us to find those who are ready?!

So Elder Nordine and I decided to put it to the test. On Friday we had a wide open day and we decided to tract. But this wasn't going to be any ordinary tracting day, this was going to be a Spiritually-guided tracting experience. That day we probably prayed 100 times. We asked the Lord to lead us to what streets he wanted us to knock doors on. We then narrowed it down by picking 15 streets at random on a map. Then between the two of us, we individually picked 5 streets and then showed each other. If there were any matches, we'd knock those streets. The results? 1 street in Joplin, and 2 in Carl Junction. The whole day I was trying not to doubt and to have the faith that the Lord would lead us. To make a long story short, a miracle happened. We didn't have wild success of any kind, we didn't dunk thousands of people in the water, etc. On each of the 3 streets we found one person who was interested and that we were able to teach and give a BoM to. 3 streets, 3 people, 3 lessons, 3 BoMs. Now that may sound small to you, but it was huge for me. Heavenly Father is currently 3 for 3 in our new method of finding. That's 100% :) So that's where were at right now. I expect more miracles to happen this week.

Yesterday was a really good Sunday. It was the primary program, so you can only imagine how happy I was during Sacrament Meeting :) I'm pretty sure that we spent the whole meeting laughing our guts out. The Stills made it again and they are totally ready for their baptism this Saturday. I'm so excited!! In our last lesson with them, Kim informed me that both she and Bri want me to baptize them. I about burst into tears right then and there because I haven't baptized anyone on my mission yet. I keep telling elders that I feel like it's not my place, but I think that I secretly wanted to do it so bad. It's been a long time coming. Hopefully I can recite the baptismal prayer without crying like a baby haha! Man, it just feels so good. I know that Kim and Bri's lives are going to change forever on Saturday.

Sadly, the Coxes didn't make it to church for the 3rd time in a row. We're thinking it's because they didn't quit their addictions like we had planned on Saturday, and that they're ashamed to tell us. We'll just have to show 'em some love. I think that you putting their names in the temple will really help, Mom. Thanks. We might talk to them about the addiction recovery manual/class that's held in Carthage (ehem, Annie get off my back. Just kiddin'). We'll have to reset their date for a week or two later, but it will be a good thing. I felt like it was a little rushed.

Well, I'm out of time! Golly, there was so much more I wanted to tell you about. I guess that's what a journal is for, eh? Which reminds me that I need to be better at doing that... Have a great week! Wish us luck in our finding adventures!

Love, Elder Atkin

Monday, November 12, 2012

November 12, 2012 - Cold!

Dear Family,

Whew! What a busy week! It seems like Elder Nordine and I just haven't been able to catch a break. I'm so tired nowadays. It seems like I'm always in need of a good nap. You'd think that today would be a good day to catch up on rest, but it hasn't been. We had a zone activity where we played flour ball (you throw nylons filled with flour at each other) for a few hours. But it was really a lot of fun, so I can't complain. Haha the weird things that us missionaries do to entertain ourselves :)

This week was actually a really good week. We taught double-digit lessons, picked up a new part-member family named the Hernandezes (super prepared!), and we were able to get Kim and Bri to church after a few weeks of absence. They really enjoyed church, despite the fact that Kim's been really struggling lately because of the rough things that they've been going through. The good news is that their testimonies are just as strong as ever, but it's just hard to see them both really sad and down, especially in church when everyone else is so happy :( Sometimes I just wish I could make everything better for my investigators! I just wish I could take their pains and trials away. But I know that they're being tested for a reason. It's really making them stronger, even if they don't quite realize it yet. I just hope that we can make it to the 24th okay. Yesterday I promised Kim that her baptism would be a very fulfilling experience that would help lighten the burdens that she is currently bearing. I felt like I was inspired in the comforting words that I said, but I really really hope that I'm right. It's just that I know that baptism and confirmation can do that for people. It's not just a fun little experience where people feel the Spirit. It's an opportunity to know of God's love, be cleansed of sin, and to feel the atonement of Jesus Christ. I can't wait! It's about time.

The Coxes are still doing pretty well, but we're now entering crunch time before their baptisms on the 1st of December. They still haven't kicked their addictions to smoking and chewing tobacco, so we're praying for a miracle to happen. They want to quit so bad, but the temptation is so great at times. I was a little bit frustrated this week because last week Will promised that his current can of chew would be his last, but it didn't end up happening. We showed up for a lesson earlier this week and I found out from Vicki that he went and bought more. I was really depressed that night, but surprisingly since then I've felt an assurance and hope that things would work out. Both of them know that this Saturday is the day that they need to be tobacco-free by. They good thing is that the Coxes really trust us, so it's not awkward when we ask them about their addictions and see how their doing. In the past, I was a little worried that we were too good of friends with them (we really are like best friends. Will and I are going to go extreme cat-fishing after my mission with you, Dad. It'll be the 3 Wills Hahaha!), but recently it's really helped because the Coxes trust us and know that we'll help them in any way we can. Once again, I can't wait for this family to get baptized :)

Funny story of the week: So on Monday morning before we went to ZLC last week, Elder Nordine came to me and asked if I could trim up his hair a little bit. You see, I happen to have some hair clippers of my own that I inherited from the apartment in Springdale at the beginning of my mission. I've actually gotten really good at giving myself haircuts, which saves me a lot of money. Sometimes other elders will ask me for a haircut, which I gladly give them. But I admit that sometimes I don't give the best haircuts. Such was the case this last Monday :) Elder Nordine didn't really want a full-on haircut, but he did want me to shave off the scraggly hairs on the back of his neck. It would only take a few seconds, so I agreed and we went into his bathroom. I asked him how high up on his neck he wanted me to shave and he showed me by marking it with his finger. I then grabbed the razor, cut straight into his hair, and shaved downward. No problem.

Later that day, we traveled to Tulsa for our ZLC meetings. As we were sitting in the mission home waiting for dinner to start, I couldn't help but look over at my companion as he talked to other missionaries. I immediately almost died of laughter. Elder Nordine looked so ridiculous! I had done exactly what he asked me to do, but his hair looked absolutely horrible. Imagine an L-shape on the back of his head because I shaved directly into the back and then down. It's kinda hard to explain, but either way it looked ridiculous. To make a long story short, Elder Nordine was super mad at me (kinda) and he's still in need of a haircut. On Wednesday at our zone training meeting, I pointed it out to our zone and he punched me in the face! He was planning on just a little tap to the cheek, but I accidentally leaned into the punch and he made full contact. He was super embarrassed, but I only laughed and so did the whole zone. The zone's joke now is that if you do anything wrong at all, Nordine will punch you in the face in front of the zone. Good times :)

Well, I'm already out of time, but I love you! Have a great week!

Love, Elder Atkin

Monday, November 5, 2012

November 5, 2012

Dear Family,

You know what I was thinking about recently? Only a few years ago, our little family was all together in Cache Valley, UT. Now we are all so far apart. Annie and Neal are in North Carolina, April and I are in Missouri, Rachel's been in Provo, Amy and Marc have been all over the place in Utah... When I thought about all this, naturally I was a little sad about the distance between us all, but at the same time it is pretty cool. The Atkin family is spreading abroad! Our amazingly awesome influence is being felt across the world :) And yet, I feel very close to everyone at times. I think that it's not only because we love each other so much, but because we all share something beautiful in common: our testimonies of the Gospel. I asked Elder Nordine the other day, "What did I do to deserve to be born in the covenant into an amazing family that is all active in the church?" There are answers to this question, but I still wonder. Out of billions of people in the world, I got to be an Atkin! Wow...

So how is everyone doing? I know I'm not always the best at writing emails and letters, but it should be obvious (based on the first paragraph) that I think about y'all often. I blame it on the mission. Not due to homesickness, but because of the the experiences that I've been a part of. For example, I've been in situations where I think to myself, "What would ______ do right now?" (insert your name in the blank) All of you are so much more patient, loving, friendly, etc. than me! Patience is actually something that I've been struggling with lately. As mentioned last week, it just seems like Satan has been working extra hard lately. Not only on our investigators, but on myself. I've been really snappy, easily angered, and kind of mean. It makes me sick just thinking about it. Luckily I'm companions with a very fun-loving and patient elder, but I really want to improve. I should always be happy, but that hasn't always been the case lately. Today we're going to ZLC in Tulsa, so I'm hoping that President Shumway shares some things that will give me a good spiritual kick in the pants. Any suggestions on how to help me become more kind and patient? I really need it.

This week was a somewhat rough week. We taught some really good lessons to the Coxes and the Sands, but our efforts didn't really show number-wise. We had about 6 or 7 appointments cancel throughout the week, which is always frustrating. Nobody showed up at church :( On Thursday we had a lesson with Ashley in which she stormed out. We were meeting with her in the first place because she came to church last week. As we started the lesson, the Spirit was obviously not there and it was really awkward the whole time. She wasn't really paying attention very much so I interrupted Elder Nordine's thought and asked her what we could do for her. She started crying and said something about her family's recent troubles. We tried to comfort her and we talked a little bit about the Holy Ghost and it's purpose. That's when she stood up and exclaimed, "Just because I'm going through a hard time doesn't mean I don't have the Spirit!" She grabbed her daughter's arm and ran out of the room, leaving Elder Nordine and I with shocked looks on our faces. We drove home in silence. Oh well, another week with Ashley :)

The Stills (Bri included) are especially going through a tough time right now. Branden ran away from home and walked all the way to his dad's place in Carthage. They didn't make it to church yesterday because they just have had too much to deal with lately. Last night we went over and gave them each priesthood blessings to help them have the strength to keep going. It's just been one thing after another. The good news is that this morning Kim sent us a text, telling us that the blessing helped her out tremendously and that she knows that God is there. It was truly an answer to many prayers.

So, yeah. A lot of junk has happened recently, but things are still going well in our area. We still have the Stills and the Coxes set for baptism, so that's encouraging. The Coxes didn't make it to church, but they are definitely progressing. The youth helped us with a service project on Saturday putting up the roofing on their house. It's been fun to see the Coxes meet more and more people in the church and receive the fellowship that they need.

Well, I've got to get going, but it's sure good to hear from y'all. I'm doing pretty good nowadays, but I want to be better. Pray that your son will have the strength and courage to do some tracting and street contacting this week. We need more new investigators and I've been kind of a wimp lately. I'll admit that it's been a while since we've gone finding. Time to man up!

Love, Elder Atkin
P.S. Here's a picture  it's of Elder Nordine and I in our Halloween costumes acting like goofs in the car. Yeah, we're weird :)

Thursday, November 1, 2012

October 29, 2012 - Crazy times

Dear Family,

Guess what?? I didn't get transferred!! Surprise, surprise! I thought for sure that I was out of here. Elder Nordine and I have already been together two transfers and it's not too common for missionaries to serve together for 3. Y'all have no idea how happy I am right now :) Elder Nordine and I are best buds and we have a lot of awesome things going on right now in our area. We have 5 baptisms lined up for the end of this month and we have a couple more that I could see us setting in the next couple of weeks. We also picked up 3 new investigators last night. The work is exploding!

When we got our transfer calls on Saturday, I actually had kind of a neat experience. Within the last couple of weeks, I'll admit that I've been praying really hard that I would get to stay here one more transfer. In each of my prayers, I'd thank Heavenly Father for how long he's kept me in Joplin, but then plead for him to keep me here so I could be with Elder Nordine, see the Coxes and the Stills get baptized, etc. Looking back, I can't help but laugh at my logic. But hey, I would always tell Him that I would go where he wants me and that it's all up to his will. I wanted to stay so bad for such selfish reasons! When Saturday rolled around, I was so nervous the whole day that I could barely work. We met with the Coxes and saw a few other people, but that didn't help because I realized how much I love them. At 9:00, we received a call from the assistants and they told us where everyone in the zone was going. When Elder Treasure went through everyone except for Elder Nordine and I, I sheepishly asked, "Is that it?? Are you done??" Elder Treasure replied in the affirmative. I hung up the phone and shouted for joy. 6 more weeks! That night as I was saying my prayers, I thanked the Lord for answering my prayers. Despite my selfish reasons for wanting to stay, the Lord saw it fit that I stay in Joplin for a little longer. It meant so much to me that he would answer my prayers. I figure that I'll know why in the future. But it sure does give me motivation to work my hardest these next 6 weeks! Not that I haven't been, but I'm going to raise the bar even further. Now if only Heavenly Father could grant my plea to train someday....

This week actually went quite well. Ashley is back on the radar again (surprise) because she decided to randomly show up at church yesterday. Afterward, she told us that she really enjoyed it and that she wanted to meet with us on Thursday. Hooray! What really made me the most happy was after Gospel Principles class, I pulled her aside real quick and apologized. I had been so worried that I had offended her last week over the phone, so I told her that I was sorry if I said anything mean. She assured me that I didn't do anything wrong and that she was just unhappy because of her family situations. Whew! Burden lifted.

The Coxes also made it to church yesterday after us seeing them every other day this week. This was the first time they've attended church and they both really liked it. Will (yeah, he has the same name as you and I, Dad. Will-power!) admitted that he felt a little "lost" in the crowd of people, but last night we assured him that things would definitely improve. With all of the recent changes, everyone is running around like a bunch of chickens with their heads cut off. On Friday we were able to set a date with them for December 1st, and they're super excited about that. They're actually becoming some of my favorite people that I've met so far on my mission. They told me last night that they were so happy and releived that I was staying in Joplin for a little longer. It made me feel loved :) Elder Nordine and I have grown to love serving these people who need so much. This week alone we carpeted their home, we moved a load of stuff from a storage unit into their house, we went to Galena and picked up roofing for them... I feel like their run-down house has become my project. This coming Saturday we're going to get some of the youth to come out and help us put up the roofing.

Sadly, the Stills couldn't make it to church because of another emergency. We received a text in church from Kim, informing us that Branden had run away and it had been over 24 hours. That's 2 weeks in a row now that something crazy has prevented them from coming to church. Both Elder Nordine and I looked at each other in disbelief. The devil is working so hard on our investigators sometimes that it makes me angry. I just get so tired of his influence! He's doing everything he can to prevent people from entering the waters of baptism. That's why I'm so pumped that more missionaries are going to be coming out now. More missionaries = stronger influence for good.

On Wednesday we actually had some leaders from Salt Lake come and instruct us in the Joplin Stake center. In a way, it was similar to zone conference, but it had a totally different feel. One of the reasons why they came out here is to talk about some of the changes that are coming in the future and how we'll deal with them. If you haven't realized already, the whole face of the church's missionary effort has changed dramatically. Usually the church receives between 600 and 700 missionary applications weekly. Since General Conference, the church has received about 4,000 applications each week, if not more! President Shumway informed us that the way that affects our mission is that the total number of missionaries the OTM can handle will go from 190 to 250. That's 60 new missionaries, 30 new areas, and 60 trainers!! I'm really starting to believe it when church leaders say that the Lord is "hastening" his work. I'm witnessing it each day. I feel so blessed to be a missionary at such an exciting time! There's so much happening in the world right now that you can't help but get that feeling of urgency. I can almost feel it in the air every day.

Well, have a great week! I'm guessing that it's getting cold over there, too. I love it :) Yes, Mom. Please send me the article about the Joplin Stake Center.

"Who's on the Lord's side, who? Now is the time to show!"

Love, Elder Atkin

P.S. I'm glad to hear that Annie and Neal are safe and sound so far. Everyone's been telling me about this "storm of the century."
P.P.S. Here's some recent pictures. Sorry, the first one's kind of blurry, but it's of me carving pumpkins with the YSA here in Joplin. The second one is of me making funny faces while Elder Nordine is taking a nap last preparation day :)