Monday, November 12, 2012

November 12, 2012 - Cold!

Dear Family,

Whew! What a busy week! It seems like Elder Nordine and I just haven't been able to catch a break. I'm so tired nowadays. It seems like I'm always in need of a good nap. You'd think that today would be a good day to catch up on rest, but it hasn't been. We had a zone activity where we played flour ball (you throw nylons filled with flour at each other) for a few hours. But it was really a lot of fun, so I can't complain. Haha the weird things that us missionaries do to entertain ourselves :)

This week was actually a really good week. We taught double-digit lessons, picked up a new part-member family named the Hernandezes (super prepared!), and we were able to get Kim and Bri to church after a few weeks of absence. They really enjoyed church, despite the fact that Kim's been really struggling lately because of the rough things that they've been going through. The good news is that their testimonies are just as strong as ever, but it's just hard to see them both really sad and down, especially in church when everyone else is so happy :( Sometimes I just wish I could make everything better for my investigators! I just wish I could take their pains and trials away. But I know that they're being tested for a reason. It's really making them stronger, even if they don't quite realize it yet. I just hope that we can make it to the 24th okay. Yesterday I promised Kim that her baptism would be a very fulfilling experience that would help lighten the burdens that she is currently bearing. I felt like I was inspired in the comforting words that I said, but I really really hope that I'm right. It's just that I know that baptism and confirmation can do that for people. It's not just a fun little experience where people feel the Spirit. It's an opportunity to know of God's love, be cleansed of sin, and to feel the atonement of Jesus Christ. I can't wait! It's about time.

The Coxes are still doing pretty well, but we're now entering crunch time before their baptisms on the 1st of December. They still haven't kicked their addictions to smoking and chewing tobacco, so we're praying for a miracle to happen. They want to quit so bad, but the temptation is so great at times. I was a little bit frustrated this week because last week Will promised that his current can of chew would be his last, but it didn't end up happening. We showed up for a lesson earlier this week and I found out from Vicki that he went and bought more. I was really depressed that night, but surprisingly since then I've felt an assurance and hope that things would work out. Both of them know that this Saturday is the day that they need to be tobacco-free by. They good thing is that the Coxes really trust us, so it's not awkward when we ask them about their addictions and see how their doing. In the past, I was a little worried that we were too good of friends with them (we really are like best friends. Will and I are going to go extreme cat-fishing after my mission with you, Dad. It'll be the 3 Wills Hahaha!), but recently it's really helped because the Coxes trust us and know that we'll help them in any way we can. Once again, I can't wait for this family to get baptized :)

Funny story of the week: So on Monday morning before we went to ZLC last week, Elder Nordine came to me and asked if I could trim up his hair a little bit. You see, I happen to have some hair clippers of my own that I inherited from the apartment in Springdale at the beginning of my mission. I've actually gotten really good at giving myself haircuts, which saves me a lot of money. Sometimes other elders will ask me for a haircut, which I gladly give them. But I admit that sometimes I don't give the best haircuts. Such was the case this last Monday :) Elder Nordine didn't really want a full-on haircut, but he did want me to shave off the scraggly hairs on the back of his neck. It would only take a few seconds, so I agreed and we went into his bathroom. I asked him how high up on his neck he wanted me to shave and he showed me by marking it with his finger. I then grabbed the razor, cut straight into his hair, and shaved downward. No problem.

Later that day, we traveled to Tulsa for our ZLC meetings. As we were sitting in the mission home waiting for dinner to start, I couldn't help but look over at my companion as he talked to other missionaries. I immediately almost died of laughter. Elder Nordine looked so ridiculous! I had done exactly what he asked me to do, but his hair looked absolutely horrible. Imagine an L-shape on the back of his head because I shaved directly into the back and then down. It's kinda hard to explain, but either way it looked ridiculous. To make a long story short, Elder Nordine was super mad at me (kinda) and he's still in need of a haircut. On Wednesday at our zone training meeting, I pointed it out to our zone and he punched me in the face! He was planning on just a little tap to the cheek, but I accidentally leaned into the punch and he made full contact. He was super embarrassed, but I only laughed and so did the whole zone. The zone's joke now is that if you do anything wrong at all, Nordine will punch you in the face in front of the zone. Good times :)

Well, I'm already out of time, but I love you! Have a great week!

Love, Elder Atkin

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