Monday, September 10, 2012

September 10, 2012 - Short Week

Dear Family,

Holy Hannah, it feels like I just sat at this computer a few hours ago to email you! Well, I guess it really was a short week since I last emailed you. That and this week just smoked right on past. Time flies when you're having fun.

We had a baptism on Saturday!! It was incredible. You know those days in life that are just absolutely amazing and you want them to last forever? Saturday was like that. It was all-around the perfect day. Earlier in the day the Carthage elders had a baptism in the same building and so we attended that and just stayed afterward to prepare for ours. Their investigator who was getting baptized was a really nice Hispanic lady named Sonia. The coolest part about it was that her baptism would complete her little family because her husband was already a member. I guess the story is that he (the husband) has had a really hard life and has struggled with many addictions. At one point in his life, some members of the church in Carthage took him in and tried to help him become better. He eventually joined the church, turned his life around, and then finally met Sonia a few years ago. He still struggles with some Word of Wisdom problems, but he's working on it so they can go to the temple in the future and be sealed as a family. Everyone in attendance cried during the whole thing. The Spirit was so strong! I can't wait until they can be sealed together forever :)

I have to admit I was a little worried about Alexis' baptism. Carthage had a lot of people show up and everything went so smoothly. I was a little bit intimidated and I felt unprepared for some reason. I was suddenly worried that not very many people would show up. I was about to panic, but then I remembered that I could pray. This may sound very simple and kind of funny, but hey - sometimes I forget! I quickly said a prayer thanking Heavenly Father for the opportunity to have the baptism, and I asked that everything would go well and that Alexis would feel loved. Immediately afterward I felt at peace and I knew all would be well. And guess what? It did go well... and then some! Many people from the Webb City ward showed up to support Alexis, even though they didn't know her. We were able to get the program finished and everything ready just in time. What a miracle! The baptism went very well, and I was so happy to see Alexis' cousin do his very first baptism as a priest.

When we finally got home late Saturday night, Elder Nordine and I collapsed from exhaustion. It was go go go all day, and when we finally could relax, we were DONE. I sure had a good sleep that night. There's nothing more satisfying than being exhausted after a long day as a missionary. Heck, we helped someone move the morning of the baptism. We even had time to proselyte. It's amazing what you can do in one day!

Heavenly Father has been blessing Elder Nordine and I so much lately. Sometimes I feel like I don't deserve all of the blessings and miracles we receive each day. We were so discouraged to see many of our investigators - including Ashley - drop us recently. I felt hopeless, especially with Alexis soon getting baptized. We wouldn't have anyone to teach afterward! But suddenly Kim called us the day of the baptism and told us that she wanted to meet with us again. We dropped by the Henleys for the millionth time and they answered! They're still interested! We picked up a new investigator by visiting a less-active family. We're teaching him on Thursday. His last name? Adkins! We received a media referral today for a woman who's a descendant of David Whitmer. So many miracles!!!

I love the Gospel and I love this work. I can honestly say that I'm getting "lost" in it. It's part of me. It's who I am. It's all I want to do. I hope and pray that it can stay that way. I don't ever want it to end :)

I'm out of time. Have a great week! You should send me a picture of the Wellsvilles with all of the changing colors.

Love, Elder Atkin

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