Monday, February 11, 2013

February 11, 2013 - Lo! In Camora's lonely hill

Dear Family,

Mom, you can't believe that I like tracting?? Gee, that makes me feel special.... Haha I'm kidding :) But really, I love to knock doors. There's such a thrill that comes with not knowing what's on the other side. This week we did some tracting in a trailer park and had great success. I'll admit that I usually go for those who live in more "humble circumstances," but I get what I can take. I'm a firm believer that if you say the right thing and are nice enough, 90% of people will respond positively even if they aren't interested. God's servants need to be happy! I try my best to do just that. The result? At that trailer park I met another nice Jehovah's Witness. That's 2 in the last few months! We had an excellent conversation about heaven and the 2nd coming and such. She made it obvious that she disagreed with us, but she was cordial. Tender mercies.

I love what you said about Bishop's talk in ward conference. I have really grown to love hymns as of late, but I think it's a fantastic idea to sing a hymn every morning. One hymn that Elder Heindel and I have thought a lot about lately is "Brightly Beams Our Father's Mercy." We've used it for a spiritual thought a couple times in members' homes after dinner. We'll sing the hymn to them and then talk about what it means to be a "lower light." I love the line where it talks about the Lord trusting us with the lights along the shore. We've been trusted with such a beautiful gift of light that we need to share with other people. It's our responsibility to shine the light and guide others to Christ. Missionary work isn't just fun. It's our duty.

Speaking of talks in church - Elder Heindel and I were asked to give talks in sacrament meeting on our personal conversions. We only had enough time to prepare the day of, so I was a bit worried. As I tried to gather my thoughts, I prayed and asked for guidance and for inspiration. And ya know what? It came! Suddenly all of my thoughts organized themselves miraculously onto paper and before I knew it the talk was prepared. Golly, the Lord comes through EVERY time for me! Even for something as small as a talk. Both of us were able to deliver our talks with power and by the Spirit and people really liked them. Not that I wanted praise or anything, but it was good to know that we didn't bore too many people. I talked about how my conversion has been like the sunrise: slowly, but surely the Lord has revealed to me his truth throughout my life until it's become plain and clear what is right. I'm still on the path of conversion, but the sun is high enough for me to see clearly and know what's true. And what I know to be true is more comforting than anything else. I love the Gospel of Jesus Christ. 

This week was another great week for the two of us. We had ZLC in Tulsa, 2 exchanges, zone meeting, and other things to possibly distract us, yet we worked as hard as we could and taught 17 lessons - another high for us. We wanted to reach 20, but considering the amount of cancelled appointments we did awesome. We picked up another couple of investigators, including a Hispanic lady named Inede. Her husband made it clear that he didn't want to be "preached at," but she expressed interest. We've taught her a bit about Priesthood and the Book of Mormon and she likes it so far. She wonders why there's so many Christian denominations. She's so prepared! We'll be taking over Spanish-speaking members in the future to help her feel comfortable.

Well, there's not much else to say except that Bro. McKinnon and Bro. White are ready to be baptized this Saturday. Bro. Gould isn't too far behind - it's only a matter of time. Josh came to church with a haircut and a white shirt and tie, so that was a miracle. He's already changing! We hope to set a date with him this week.

Life is good in the OTM! Thanks for your prayers and love. Happy Valentines and Happy Birthdays to Mom and Amy!

Love, Elder Atkin

P.S. Here's a picture of me next to a '67 Camaro at Bro. Gould's house. I'm hoping that sometime him and his wife take us for a spin. Cool stuff!

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