Monday, February 25, 2013

February 25, 2013 - Quick transfer

Dear Family,

Hopefully I can write a better email to y'all this week because I'm not as tired (though I still did work just as hard this last week) and a lot of great things have happened. Besides, Rachel let me know that she prayed that I would write a better email so it's got to be better, right?

First of all, transfer calls were on Saturday. Elder Heindel and I were hoping to stay together for another one and our wish was granted. I'm staying in Willard for at least another 6 weeks. Hooray! That means that after this coming transfer I'll have 2 transfers left. Of course, I have hopes that for those 2 transfers I'll be training my one and only "son," but let's not get ahead of ourselves. :) I should be grateful for what the Lord has already done for me so far and for my answered prayers. I've been truly blessed to be in the areas with the companions that I needed all throughout my mission. Sometimes in the moment I've wondered if I was in the right place with the right elder, but looking back I know that each situation has been just perfect for me to learn and grow. Missions are so great! Certain experiences that I've had have built up the appreciation that I have for Elder Heindel and my area that I wouldn't have otherwise. Does that make sense? Basically I'm just happy where I am and I know that the Lord knows what he's doing. Cool stuff.

This week was a good finding week. We've found some pretty neat people through tracting. People that are obviously prepared to receive the Gospel, whether they know it or not. On Tuesday Elder Heindel and I ran out of things to do. We went through our plans and realized that we only had a few options: tracting or....tracting (haha). There was Robberson St. in downtown Willard - one which we previously had prayerfully selected on a map, or we could tract somewhere else. We had been putting of Robberson for the longest time (a few weeks) because we doubted that we would be successful there. It's in downtown Willard and we figured that it had been tracted a million times. But as we were praying and trying to decide what to do, we couldn't get Robberson out of our minds. Finally, we decided to go for it. Time to quit fearing man more than God.

The first 10 doors were either not home or not interested. Surely our fears were coming to pass. But as we knocked on the 11th, a really nice lady stepped out of her house. She didn't seem too interested, but kindly listened to our approach and said, "What, you want me to read your book?" We smiled and explained that this book helps us draw closer to God and Jesus Christ. We then talked about modern prophets and apostles. As we spoke she began to show more and more interest. I asked her if she had felt the Spirit before. Expecting the normal emphatically-Christian YES, she surprised us by saying, "You know what, I haven't. I know that God's there, but I've always expected to feel the Spirit at church and stuff. That hasn't happened to me." We chatted some more and promised that she would feel the Spirit in a way only she could understand if she read the Book of Mormon, prayed about it, and learned more from us. We found out her name is Crystal and she said we could come back. Hopefully we can start teaching her this week.

The miracle continued through the next 2 houses where we met Graham - a nice guy that's not sure about his faith - and another man who teaches religion at Pitt State in Kansas. I don't remember his name, but he's very open-minded and said we could come back any time. I'm not sure how interested he is, but he's fascinated by anything to do with religion, theology, etc. He already has a couple of Book of Mormons. So, moral to the story is NEVER doubt a prompting! We had been impressed to tract Robberson for the longest time, but we just kept scaring ourselves away. Stupid Elder Atkin!! Why did I doubt?

Besides that, we found another lady named Jennifer who is the most dry Mormon I have ever met. And we also found an older man named James who's starting to question his purpose and wondering where he's going after this life. He's realized how close to death he really is and he's searching for the truth. We taught him the Plan of Salvation, thus answering some of his burning questions, but he's still looking for more. We'll go over Tuesday or Wednesday and share the Restoration. That'll get him :)

So yeah, life is good (I know I say that a lot. sorry). We're teaching a lot of lessons, even with a big ice storm on Wednesday night that shut everything down for a bit. I was actually stuck in Aurora for a couple of days, but that's a whole 'nother story.

Have a great week! Be safe, be courageous, have integrity, and show someone your love today. It's a beautiful day to be alive.

Love, Elder Atkin

P.S. Bro. McKinnon and Bro. White are both still doing well. They were both sustained to receive the priesthood and the office of a priest. Bro. McKinnon also received a calling to be the building clean-up director. He'll love that calling.

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